A Tale of Spending, Truths and Freedom
Are you spending money as you think you should, or are you keeping it real?
Choosing to spend only on what you and others really need?
Imagine if credit cards could tell the tale on all those "should" purchases.
While we might pull off making dry turkey and small talk somewhat enjoyable,
the sour aftertaste of an empty bank account tends to stick around long after the holidays are over.
And let's not forget the stress of shopping.
The highs of the season only make room for those post-holiday blues.
All for just one day of celebration!
What if we decided to be true to ourselves this year?
Avoid getting caught up in the "shoulds".
By spending within our means, steering clear of unnecessary debt and the inevitable disappointment that follows.
Perhaps it’s time to apply the 4Rs
1. Review - Take a closer look at what truly matters to you and others.
2. Reset – Your expectations – you might realize they're mostly in your head.
3. Refine – Your approach. Give yourself the gift of freedom – grant yourself permission to reclaim the time, energy, and money that often goes into buying things that end up being recycled, and instead,
4. Remodel – choose to savour the best part of Christmas – quality time with loved ones. Because you are enough.
Keep creating memories whilst sustaining financial health in 2024 by applying these 4Rs.
Today and every day.
If you're interested in bringing financiale ducation to your home, organization, or community, I'm here to discuss it!