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Day 22 - Eleven Pipers Piping... Me, Myself and Debt

Updated: Dec 24, 2023

Are you sharing the load?

The countdown continues!

On the eleventh day… it's a reminder that the holiday season is more than just material gifts.

It’s also about approaching financial well-being with a sense of ownership and collaboration.

In a world fixated on individual achievement and inundated with life hacks promising instant joy or success, the perilous journey of overspending and accumulating debt starts early for many.

What begins as a harmless "buy-now-pay-later" approach can swiftly snowball into a crippling burden of debt, affecting not just our wallets, but our emotional well-being.

Credit, akin to a seemingly friendly companion, knows how to provide instant joy and stress relief. It becomes a go-to source for that extra boost.

But unlike a genuine friend, it demands more—it craves your love with interest.

In control of your options, by claiming your future earnings.

Before you have the chance to enjoy them.

Until love’s no more.

A toxic relationship that breads toxic thoughts.

The mind surrenders to the belief that this is the only way to Do, to Have, to Be.

Slowly eroding self-worth, a sense of perspective. Along with financial health.

Leaving room for emptiness, shame and guilt. And silence.

So, how do we break free from this credit card cycle?

The 4Rs to regaining control and reclaiming financial independence:

Review – the full picture

Start by creating a comprehensive list of your debts, detailing each account, balance, interest rate, and minimum payment. This will provide a clear understanding of your financial landscape, enabling you to prioritize your repayment strategy.

Reset – your spending process

Track your spending habits for the next one-to-three months. Identify areas where you can cut back, such as discretionary spending on dining out, entertainment, gifting, and impulse purchases. Allocate a portion of your income specifically for debt repayment.

Refine – your repayment strategies

Choose a debt repayment strategy that suits your preferences.

For quick wins and motivation - pay off the smallest debts first, regardless of interest rates (debt snowball method) OR To save more money in the long run - prioritise the highest interest rates debt (debt avalanche method). If managing debt becomes overwhelming, seek professional guidance from debt advisers (Stepchange)

Remodel - your earnings and spending

Explore ways to increase your income and accelerate debt repayment. Consider part-time jobs, freelancing, selling unused items or financial support (Turn2Us).

Where possible, establish productive spending rules to shift away from reliance on credit and re-condition your financial habits.

More importantly, look after your wellbeing. Today and every day.

Debt is not a problem; it's a solution to personal struggles. Maintaining a healthy perspective is crucial.

Remember the H.A.L.T. principle—don't make financial decisions when you're Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.

Look beyond your debts; they do not define you.

Share the load - Reach out for support; you're not alone in this journey.

If you're interested in bringing financial education and guidance to your home, organization, or community, let’s start a conversation.

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